Dino's Kelulut Trigona Honey is a rare and exceptional brand from Malaysia, harvested from the stingless Trigona Thorasica and Trigona Itama species of bees. The stingless nature and relatively smaller sizes of these species makes them easier to achieve premium quality of harvested honey.

Consuming The Best
Superfood In A Sachet !
With the careful and delicious combination of Trigona Honey, Bird's nest and mixed berries extract, it makes the perfect cocktail for our body antioxidants and immune booster. It is rich in nutrition, support our memory, increase physical stamina, and offer powerful probiotics and prebiotics that is greatly beneficial to our GUT health.
This combination shown the benefit to reduce the risk of getting heart disease, regulate blood sugar, and even help to maintain clearer and firmer skin. This product can be consumed by everyone regardless of age!