Health Coach is in a unique position to become a well-anchored member of a client's allied health team, bringing a unique understanding of the intertwined emotional, behavioral, physical, nutritional, exercise, and lifestyle factors to clients and help them enhance their well-being and support them as they strive to reach their lifestyle and weight-management goals.
Management Support
Health Coaches will provide holistic lifestyle information, teaching disease specific skills, promoting behavior change, imparting problem-solving skills, assisting with the emotional impact of chronic illness, and encouraging client participation.
Connecting clinicians & patients
Health Coach serve as the patient's liaison which ensure that they understands and agrees with the purpose care plan. Besides that, Health Coaches will enable complete data collection of the patients which enables doctors to treat effectively with the patients.
Navigation of the health care providers
Health Coach will receive the enquiries and health concerns of the patients and will navigate several healthcare providers which serve the patients' budget and types of treatment plans. We ensure that the patients' voice is heard and will facilitate the best support to connect with the right providers.
Emotional Support
Health Coach plays an important role in supporting the clients' journey to overcome their lifestyle / health transition program. We will always there to listen and provide ways to cope with challenges, assisting in behavioral change, provide solutions to achieve more in life.
Health Coaching Services