Lose at least 8kg in 23 Days
Lose at least 8kg in 23 Days
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Lexa23™ program is a full co-operation of health coaches and doctors where it is clinically proven hormone resetting weight loss method where we had redesigned and program the fastest weight loss method in the safest way possible to achieve your weight loss goal. The reason why we develop this program is due to our experience that patients might need to go through certain surgery, having infertility problem or even high risk of health condition (heart, diabetes or high blood pressure) could undergo this program safely and reduce the risk in the fastest way possible.
The idea of this program is to target especially on visceral fats that are build up to become an android body shape that is highly related to many chronic diseases.

Weight Loss Benefits
Lose as much as 2 - 2.5kg per week
Reduced Cravings
During T23 program, the Lexa injections will help to suppress the sugar level and avoid hunger
Low Rebound Rate
By practicing the whole program (without exercise) and health coaches' advice, you will definitely able to keep that scale off the radar.
Lose Visceral Fats & Reset BMR
By reducing visceral fats, chronic diseases will be prevented effectively. This is great for people who suffer from diabetes, heart diseases, or any high visceral fats related to health problems.
What You Should Do Before Starting the Program?
Submit your patient's registration at the link below and our health coordinator will be attending to your request.
The program is inclusive of a pre-program basic blood test to ensure that you're suitable to perform this program. The blood test can be performed with any hospital, clinic, or lab that is nearest to you with doctor's prescriptions.
After the doctor had received your blood report, you may then start the program after the doctor's consultation.