The Non-Invasive Option for Female Vaginal Intimate Treatment

Delicate and effective. Easy to use with numerous treatment options. Minimally invasive with results comparable to conventional surgery. This procedure involves applying microlaser impacts and ensuring that healthy tissue is left between these impacts. The factional technique with the treatment is used to rejuvenate the vaginal area and functions by thickening connective and epithelial tissue to improve tropism, tonicity, and elasticity. The device is developed entirely in the European Union (Spain).
What are the uniqueness & benefits?
Minimally-invasive, safe and effective surgery
Outpatient procedure without downtime
Greater sexual satisfaction
None of the side effects of traditional surgery
No bleeding or scarring
Rapid, comfortable and precise procedure
Fast results
Types of Vaginal Treatment Procedure
Types of Concern
Vaginal Atrophy
Vaginal Atrophy is an involution of the mucosal tissue of the vulva and vagina (VVA), which is caused by the decrease in estrogen during menopause and in some cases also occurs in younger women.
How's The Treatment Effective?
The minimally invasive treatment will achieve vaginal tissue contraction or tightening through the thermal effect of the interaction of laser light with the tissue. This allows thermal effect causes the collagen fibers to be shortened and to be reorganized and therefore for the tissue to retract. Subsequently, remodeling or the generation of new neocolagenesisis collagen occurs. This means that by providing the precise control of laser pulse energy into the vaginal canal thus causing tissue heating and the contraction of its collagen fibers.
Treatment Suitable For?
People who experience changes which are associated with dryness, burning, pain, irritation, dysuria, and dyspareunia. The weakness of the tissue can lead to trauma, bleeding, and infection. (Menopausal)
Types of Concern
Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome
Vaginal relaxation syndrome, also known as vaginal laxity, is a condition characterized by the alteration of the shape of the vagina and atrophic vaginitis
How's The Treatment Effective?
The fractional technology has its special pulse morphology and a multifunction scanner produces laser energy impacts on the walls of the vaginal mucosa that stimulate the formation of new collagen. The result is the tightening of the walls of the vagina.
The minimally invasive procedure uses the photothermal interaction between laser and tissue. The handpiece is inserted deep into the vaginal canal where laser energy pulses are delivered along the vaginal canal from the deep layers of the tissue to the superficial ones, thus causing the heating of both tissue and collagen. This results in a shortening, thickening, and retraction of the collagen fibers.
Treatment Suitable For?
People who loss of elasticity and loss of thickness of the vaginal walls are known signs of the vaginal relaxation syndrome. Because of less friction this phenomenon has an important impact on sexual gratification. Also, many women experience and involuntary loss of urine, or urinary incontinence (UI) of different degrees; from a few drops caused by small efforts such as coughing, sneezing or running, to a strong, sudden urge to urinate when the bladder is full or during sex.
Types of Concern
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress Urinary incontinence (UI) also known as involuntary urination, is any uncontrolled leakage of urine. It is a common and distressing problem, which may have a large impact on the quality of life. It has been identified as an important issue in female healthcare.
How's The Treatment Effective?
The speculum-like device, through which passes the laser energy is introduced into the vaginal canal with and angular adapter, which is integrated into the system depositing the laser energy along the anterior vaginal wall and the endopelvic fascia. Several laser impacts are applied with the incontinence mode.
Treatment Suitable For ?
Pelvic surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause are major risk factors. Urinary incontinence is often a result of an underlying medical condition but is under-reported to medical practitioners. Besides that people who experienced stress urinary incontinence are involuntary urination when someone coughs, sneeze, laugh or even jog.
Stress incontinence - due to the weakness of the neck of the bladder

Types of Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery Procedure
Reshaping of congenital abnormalities of the vulva, labia minora and hymen, postpartum perineal scars, hypertrophy of the labia majora and the clitoris and in general, correction of the external genitalia and genital bleaching are some of the indications for use of the laser treatment.
Treatment Suitable for?
Hypertropic clitoris labiaplasty
Reducing laser labiaplasty - This procedure shapes those labia minora, which are too large or unequal in length according to the patient. Most women do not want their labia minora to be longer than the labia majora. These techniques can also reconstruct anomalies caused by aging, childbirth, or other injuries.
Vulvoperineal hyper-pigmentation
Laser perineoplasty - This treatment can rejuvenate aged lax perineum and also improve loose labia majora and labia minora. This procedure provides the vulva with a better and younger appearance.
Coagulation, vaporization, incision, excision of soft tissue
Post-partum perinea scars
Post-trauma corrections of the labia minora, vulva and hymen